Friday 10 January 2025 Start 7pm. Venue BHCC Sports Club Parkview Road
Would all CURRENT Officers please email/contact Harry if they are happy to continue in their post or would like to stand down.
Should anyone be interested in nominating themselves for a particular role, please also contact Harry to put your nomination forward.
Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Ground Reporter
Membership & Match Fees for Adults & Colts
Election of Officers - All positions are voluntary and NON PAID
Listed below are the current positions held in the club. All of these will be up for election on the evening..
Vice Chairman
Directors of Cricket x 3
Colts Manager
Colts Secretary
Adult Secretary
Colts Fixture Secretary
Responsible Adult Mondays Colts Training
Responsible Adult Wednesday Colts Training
Adult Fixture Secretary
Captains 1
Captains 2
Captains 3
Captains 4
Captains 5
Captains Sunday
Groundsman Liaison
Cricket Rep for Bexleyheath Sports Club
KCL Rep (2)
KRCL Rep (2)
BDC Rep (2)
NKJL Rep (2)
Child Welfare Officer
The Reps for KCL, KRCL, BDC and NKJL do not need vast quantities of cricket knowledge. We require 2 to attend meetings and feed back so a parent would be perfect for one of the 2 positions in each category.
If you feel you can help in other ways such as fundraising, scoring, umpiring colt matches or more then please come along and offer your services. The more people that help with jobs the easier it is on everyone.